Startup design & development

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Startup design & development

How to plan and realise the business model of your Start-up

by Stefano Galli

$16.99 CAD

At the end of this learning path, you will know
- How to plan new business models effectively and efficiently;
- Which tools to use and how to use them, to understand better the needs of your company’s customers;
- How to identify the differentiating elements of your business from a customer perspective and develop a winning value proposition;
- How to calculate your company’s break-even point (i.e. when you will start earning money);
- How to define clear, specific and challenging development goals;
- How to plan, monitor and successfully conclude your company projects.


ISBN f4154030-2e75-11ef-9454-0242ac120002
Publisher S4P SRL
Published Date 2024-06-20
Language en
Printed Length 156