In this section, you will find various frequently asked questions that we get regarding Bookchain®.

What is the digital book format supported by Bookchain®?

Bookchain® supports the EPUB format (version 3 and higher) for digital books.

For more information about the EPUB format, you can check out the W3C or Wikipedia.

What should I do to read the digital book I purchased with Bookchain®?

You have access to your purchased digital books in the Bookchain® Reader. You'll be able to log in with the same Bookchain® account created during your purchase.

Is it possible to read digital books purchased with Bookchain® if I don’t have an internet connection?

Unfortunately offline reading is not currently available.

Which devices can read my digital book purchased with Bookchain®?

All internet connected devices with a browser supported by Bookchain® will connect to the Bookchain® Reader.

What browsers are supported by Bookchain®?

The provider supported versions of Safari (Apple), Edge (Microsoft), Chrome (Google) and Firefox will all work with Bookchain®.

What are the payment methods accepted by Bookchain® for the purchase of a digital book?

Bookchain® uses Stripe as its secure payment processor for transactions and we accept all major credit cards.
Find out more about Stripe Payments on their website.

Why do I have to create a user account to buy a book on Bookchain®?

This user account will be used to access your library, where all of your Bookchain® purchases will be available at all times.

Why do I also need to create a blockchain account when creating an account in Bookchain®?

Bookchain® uses blockchain technology to create and secure your purchased digital books.

What should I do with my blockchain account after creating it?

You don't have anything left to do as Bookchain® takes care of everything. You can access your blockchain address in your account at any time.

If I’m an author or publisher and I want to publish books on Bookchain®, what should I do?

To upload and publish your book, you'll have to create an account on our Bookchain® Portal, upload your digital books (EPUB 3 or higher format only) and create your smart contracts.

If I have questions about a digital book purchase made on Bookchain®, who should I contact?

You can contact our technical support team at

If I need to change my password on Bookchain®, what do I need to do?

Go to the parameters section in your Bookchain® account, or reset it from the login page.

Why do I need to enter the confirmation code (sent by email) when I create an account on Bookchain® or when I try to change my password?

This is a two-factor authentication check for additional security, to make sure that you are indeed the one requesting changes.

Where can I find the confirmation code sent when creating accounts on Bookchain® or when changing my password?

The verification code is sent directly to the primary email address you are using for your Bookchain® user account.

When I buy books on Bookchain® , who does the money go to?

Bookchain® sends over 80% of the amount you have spent on books directly to the royalty holders of those books. The rest is used to pay the operating fees of Bookchain®.