Home / Books / A Call to Win the Third War of Independence of Haiti
A Call to Win the Third War of Independence of Haiti
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What does it really take to build a nation? For Haiti, the journey has been long and difficult. The uniquely tragic history of its land is marked by slavery, struggle, suffering, and striving for betterment. Yet the pain and the sacrifices of its people manifested itself into monumental events, events which changed the course of history for the world itself. From the bounds of colonial chains, the enduring slaves of Haiti freed themselves and bravely won their land at last. Yet, the nation remains in chains to this day, chains which are holding the nation back from economic development and success. From a succinct yet enlightening journey through the history of Haiti’s land, to the series of events that earned the nation independence at last, this book is a manifesto declaring the glory and power of this beautiful country. It further deliberates the promise of potential that Haiti holds today to overcome its bounds and reach for the success that is destined in its future.
ISBN | 9781717468390 |
Publisher | Createspace Independent Publishing Platform |
Published Date | 2018-04-25 |
Language | en |
Printed Length | 88 |