Royal Mistake #3

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Royal Mistake #3

by Renna Peak Ember Casey series Royal Mistake, book 3 of 6

$4.49 CAD

Falling for a prince is no fairy tale – especially when the prince in question is holding a pageant to find a wife.

I know it’s Prince Andrew’s job to marry someone from the nobility—and my job to turn his search into a juicy tabloid story—but the longer I do this, the harder it is to deny my feelings. And he has the audacity to continue this ridiculous spectacle of a marriage pageant while doing things to me in private that make my toes curl…

The more time I spend in the Montovian Palace, though, the more I start to see the other side of Prince Andrew – the side he hides beneath his brooding exterior and his unwavering devotion to his country. Finally, after everything we’ve been through, I’m starting to learn his secrets…


ISBN a66cb9c0-7867-11eb-8bed-fb269a7db47d
Publisher Casey Peak Publishing, LLC
Published Date 2017-02-12
Language en
Printed Length 150