a novel
by DL Fowler
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Deadly wilderness, betrayal, a sociopath in pursuit ... a wary teen weighs the price of freedom.
Sixteen year-old Amy flees her kidnappers in the remote Sierra foothills after twelve years in captivity, only she doesn’t know who to trust or how to find home, much less what it takes to survive in the wild. When Billionaire Jacob Chandler turns fugitive in the same hostile chaparral, risking everything to save her and atone for his narcissistic past, the wilderness threatens to devour them. But a raging forest fire isn’t their only enemy. Amy’s kidnappers want her back and they won’t let any thing stand in their way.
ISBN | 9334d6f0-7153-11eb-8616-5bdc9f6189f8 |
Publisher | Harbor Hill Publishing |
Published Date | 2015-07-18 |
Language | en |
Printed Length | 288 |