Royal Heartbreaker #2

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Royal Heartbreaker #2

by Renna Peak Ember Casey series Royal Heartbreaker, book 2 of 6

$4.49 CAD

As a prince, my life is already complicated. I don’t need a relationship making things even more difficult for me.

But there’s something different about Elle. I should know better, but now it’s too late. I find I’m willing to follow her to the ends of the earth, and I’m not sure what’s come over me. I should have stopped myself while I still could.

She’s revealed herself—exposed her darkest secrets—and even those are not enough to push me away. I know too much about her now. And something about her makes me crave more.

She’s under my skin. And I won’t rest until she’s mine.

This is Part Two of a six-part contemporary romance serial by bestselling authors Renna Peak and Ember Casey


ISBN 716dc510-77b4-11eb-b1aa-952bc5df4d68
Publisher Casey Peak Publishing, LLC
Published Date 2016-07-15
Language en
Printed Length 200