Battling Pilot
by L. Ron Hubbard series Historical Fiction Short Stories Collection
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Pilot Pete England used to think there was nothing more exciting in the world than flying off into the wild blue yonder. But lately the blue yonder hasn’t been wild at all . . . it’s been downright dull. Pete’s like a jaded Clark Gable who’s hungry for adventure—and he’s about to get his fill.
Pete has fallen into a rut, flying the same route—New York to D.C.—with the same passengers, day after day after day. He might as well be driving a bus… until “her highness” climbs aboard. Apparently a princess, she’s the Carole Lombard to Pete’s Clark Gable, and for one flight, she’s bought up every ticket on the plane.
Once Pete gets her into the air, the action heats up fast. He learns that the lady is at the center of some international intrigue that could turn the tide of war … and now a mysterious plane is on their tail, bent on shooting them out of the sky. But that’s the least of Pete’s concerns. There’s more to this princess than meets the eye, and falling in love with her could turn out to be the greatest flight risk of all.
As a barnstorming pilot in the early days of aviation, Hubbard was dubbed “Flash” Hubbard by the aviation magazines of the day. Expanding his knowledge even more, he visited Boeing in Seattle where the president and chief engineer gave him an inside look at their test pilot program. His unique and pioneering insight of flight streaks across the page in novels like The Battling Pilot.
ISBN | 9781592126187 |
Publisher | Galaxy Press |
Published Date | 2012-06-21 |
Language | en |
Printed Length | 128 |